
UAD plugins rock. As do Sound Toys, Softube, Brainworx and SPL. Oh..and Native Instruments of course.
I like SoundToys for creative effects and Valhalla for reverbs.

Native Instruments does an okay job with many virtual instruments. I really like their Battery, and the synths are decent. But I tend to find myself supplementing over their other instruments as I find I need instruments that do a better job.

I tend to use Waves for the rest: basic mixing tools and mastering tools. They're not the best, but they're really cheap if you can play their sales game, and if you know when you have enough and stop buying. I personally think McDSP sounds better, as do a few boutique plugin makers. And from what I've heard from others, UAD knocks the socks off Waves. But ... money.

I bet Waves makes loads of money off of people buying something not on sale. Because the sales happen so frequently and go so deep, they must build them expecting them to sell cheap. And I bet Waves makes even more money off of people who get addicted to the sales and can't pass up whatever is in the latest sale, buying software they don't need and may hardly use. Upgraditus is the leading cause of death in the music industry. Must be something in the environment.

When I do spend, I find more bang for my buck in acoustic treatment, monitoring upgrades, and new virtual instruments.