New to Writing Verses, got a couple of questions!


New member
Sup yall i got a couple questions.

1) When you write a verse, do you have the instrumental in mind, or do you produce the beat according to the instrumental? Seems very basic question but I ask because rappers like Eminem sometimes sound like they're on a completely different rhythm from the original beat, but somehow that adds to the headbang factor... its very genius what he does, I was wondering what his process would be like.

2) How do you write for that 'flow'? I mean writing lines by stretching some lines to go beyond bars sometimes, or maybe stressing a syllable or pronouncing a word differently. Because when you compare rappers like Kendrick Lamar and 2 Chainz, Kendrick completely kills it but 2 Chainz sounds basic, like he's reading a grade school poem. Because his songs are 4 lines over 4 bars like some Humpty Dumpty or Cat in the Hat.
Verse Writing Tips

Always keep the instrumental in mind, as that is the base for your flow. Most important is the lyric content and to bring a feeling over into the listener. Its all about them, the ones that listen to your verse, so write to bring emotion to your audience, and you'll make plenty of fans. Try be as creative as possible, and make your own style :-) Stand out from the crowd.

I hope this helps.
