Microkorg vs Micron (Vocoder Synths)


New member
Just sold a ASR-X and getting $300 and I wanted to use the money to buy a synth.

So my first choice was the Micokorg but I kept hearing how good the micron was in sound.

I have no experience what so ever and have never used a synth but I'm looking for something with an awesome vocoder and maybe some 60's 70's sounds and hopefully will last me sometime.

I'm mainly looking on ebay and I'm also considering getting a Korg R3, what are some other vocoder synths in my price line that you would recommend?

Micron has a crap vocoder, so if that's a big thing for you, might want to stray away from it, other than that, great sounding synth.
Hardware vocoders... great! Let me know how that works out. I'm actually experimenting with software vocoders... Vocodex specifically. I'd like to compare my soft vocoder tracks with your hardware vocoder tracks. not competitively, but constructively. I wish you all the best in your endeavor.

The vocoder in the Microkorg is the same as the one in the MS2000, so it should sound great. Kojak's right, the Micron vocoder is crap, though the Micron synth sounds good. Micron is a bit tedious to program, not sure of the Microkorg. If I had to do again, I would not have bought the Micron.

I was suffering a severe bout of G.A.S (gear aquisition syndrome) was actually at the store to buy a used Alpha Juno 2, but it was in bad shape and I bought the Micron on an impulse buy...it's a sickness, you know...