How to make the spectrum looks like this?


New member
I have found that some of the modern song, have the spectrum model like this....


you can see the curve in the high frequencies... it's looks like have been limited....
i have tried with limiter, and compressor to make the spectrum like that.... but i can't do it..!! :cry:
any help please?
You get the spectrum to look like that by mixing well.
I'd love to give more detail, but that's basically the topic of an entire book.
When you're first learning, you should lean more towards books and videos than forums,
because you need to establish a foundation of knowledge before you're ready to assimilate bits and pieces of information.

Here's some books and other learning resources you might find useful for learning to mix:

Mixing, Beatmaking, Music Theory - Recommended Learning

Salem Beats
Also, forget about watching the spectrum for now or at least trying to match it to some random commercial song - it's like driving a car only by looking at the map all the time.