How to achieve this vocal effect?


New member
Hi there.

i really would love to know the process to achieve this "flat" and "raspy/hissy" vocal effect used on a lot of Pop songs at the moment. So far I have had no luck in finding anything related. Please help me.

examples of the effect can be heard with varying levels in the songs below:

chris brown - don't wake me up, zero
selena Gomez - good for you
Justin Bieber - boyfriend (best example)

sorry, unable to post links yet
Compression, EQing and Multiband Compression, maybe some kind of tube saturation for added harmonics somewhere in rthe 4k to 10k range. With the EQ lower the low midth, somewhere between 300 and 700 Hz. With the multiband compressor lower the low midth some more and give the higher midth and highs a slight boost (about 2k to 10k).
Play around with that and you should get pretty close.
And of course these vocals are recorded with top notch mics and preamps;-)