How on Earth can Lil Jon and most heavy metal singers ....

Modus Operandi

Scream into their mics and have absolute crystal vocals? Do they turn the preamps all the way down? How can I achieve this without harsh clipping? I have a hook that I need to scream apart of.
when you record something or maybe when play sensitive drum pads you get inconsistent dynamics,
you should use compressor so you can make it a little bit more consistent dynamics, but you don't overdo it to let the sound to be a little natural
Yes, turn the preamps down until they don't clip anymore. Also, if you have a mic with a pad switch, try that, too. And don't get as close to the mic as you would in quiet passages. Top singers alter the mic distance all the time according to how loud they sing. Experiment with these three options and you'll get recordings without clippining even when you SCREAM!!!!! ;-)
Not sure if I remember it right, but aren't metal vocalists using dynamic microphones rather than condenser microphones while screaming and such? Dynamic microphones often tend to have less clear audio quality, but they handle much more pressure / are less sensitive, and I'm sure a highend dynamic microphone still can deliver a good tone.
Otherwise good pointers above with setting the gear right and using the right distance - though I'd like to add that it's also about using the right technique when screaming. Well trained growlers doesn't have to push their voice that loud to get that screaming sound, so they don't drive their recording gear so hard (as well as slightly preventing their throats from extra wear and tear from all the screaming).
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Yeah, proper screaming is no louder or more dangerous to the throat than proper singing. If you find you're clipping that badly when screaming, but not when singing, then there may be a technique issue.
Compressor Settings:

ATK: 1.45ms
REL: 490ms
RAT: 6:1
THRESH: -28.5db
KNEE: Hard
GAIN: As Needed

Throw some soft transient reverb on that mug, and let the vocals go