How do I assign each pad on my Trigger Finger a sound on fl studio's sequencer?


New member
I've been researching all day, and I can't find anything. Instead of using the FPC on FL Studio, I would rather use the sequencer itself, but I dont know how to assign each pad a certain instrument that is on the step sequencer. For example: Kick = Pad 1, Snare = Pad 2, and so on and so forth. Any suggestions? Thanks
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Yes, I have everything working, the trigger finger is fine, and I already know how to use the FPC, I'm not worried about the FPC, I got that. I was asking if I could use the step sequencer on Fl studio for my trigger finger. Problem is, is that I dont know how to assign each pad with an instrument. I can only control one instrument at a time, like it's a midi keyboard. Thanks
if u already have the solution why make things harder...use Slicer X or buy a midi keyboard
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how is it harder? I have full control and easy access especially when I want them to hit certain notes on the Step Sequencer. I cant do that with the FPC, because the trigger finger only works when its 2 octaves further than what the trigger finger orginally is in.
Thanks for the reply; this is a very helpful video. But I think the question at hand is how to assign the pads on the Trigger Finger to different sounds on FL Studio's sequencer -- not using the FPC

Do you happen to know how to do this?