How can I create this sound?


New member
I found a little loop I like, and I wanted to try to break it down and see if I could recreate something similar from scratch. Not the same thing, mind you, but something with the same amount of "fullness" and quality.

The original

My attempt

Obviously it's not even close, so please be gentle. I haven't attempted to add that little intro effect yet, since the remainder just doesn't sound right yet.

Breaking down the original, I think I can identify three elements:

1) an intro effect thing in the 2k+ Hz range. The plays for a brief moment, echoes (?), and doesn't come back.
2) A xylophone-like instrument around 1k Hz
3) A mid-range, 200-700 Hz "plucked" instrument.

Does this sound right? It seems like the biggest thing lacking is the fullness the original has in the 200-700 Hz range. I've tried playing around with adding reverb and chorus to my bass, as well as playing chords rather than a single note, but nothing gets it quite there. It's too low too, obviously.

Any ideas?