Hip Hop producers: Do you quantize your vocals/raps?


New member
I've quantized (to grid) aka pocketed Rap vocals on my Hip Hop productions for a long time. Only recently did I find that it sometimes destroys the Rapper's flow. Quantizing helps to make the Rap really 'tight' but eg. for Boom Bap (with a loose/unquantized groove) I found leaving vocals unquantized just feels better.

What's your opinion on this this? Let's talk the Pros and Cons of quantizing Rap.
Yes. Its A L W A Y S better to do it right while recording. And the timing takes time. Its like that with singing, rapping and playing instrument.
Rap vocals are harder to quantize because of the flow. Sometimes its the lag from the interface, so you'll just have to drag the whole file 6- 15ms to the right without
cutting or quanting it.

Other option is cutting up the rap vocals and paceing them manually. It takes a lot of time, but if you're producer you may have a lot of fun making up new flows etc.

But yea, if time is your friend, just record it again :)