David Duke of the KKK says black people didn't make hip hop what it is today

What he says in this article is correct. Zionists run the record labels who push degenerative music.
One KKK member turned out to have black ancestry, robbed next day by followers.
Child saw black Jesus playing ball with the globetrotters and told the KKK member who raised him, embarrassed father.
KKK loves Zimbabwe skin, afraid to admit it. They should just admit, they like oreo cookies :O
What he says in this article is correct. Zionists run the record labels who push degenerative music.
That's true, but all they do is push it, who consumes it?
That's the main reason for the current state of hip-hop, yea there are artist who make whack ass music but there's always been those type of niggas since the birth, the problem is the consumer, we are the ones who listen to the shit. If you take a step back from the consumers, you see that they also make up society, so in society being ****ed up, hip hop becomes ****ed up because society makes up hip-hop, if that made any sense. In order for hip hop to get better, society has to change for the better. Not to mention this is why Hip-Hop has always been seen as "sick and horrific" because it reflects society, and society obviously doesn't like the image they see in the river. As for the article, he made a statement, no proof. The fact that he talked about "jews" pushing the "Degenerative" music doesn't even tie into the topic of blacks not making hip-hop into what it is today (And that is a lie we did make it into what it is, because the reason this pussy poppin drug paraphernalia shit is out is because it reflects a part of society, and hip hop is society, the jews just try to sell it). At the very most, it is another rant by a nigger hating jew bashing all american Ku Klux Klan member.
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David needs to be burned at the stake on one of the many crosses he and others of his kind used to and probably still burn on non-Whites lawns. Nicki Minaj needs to be left out of his views on Hip Hop as she is just an artist doing what she does, personally I'm no fan of her music but for him to say she's degenerate is wrong although typical of his racist views. Jews and Whites run the industry but house nigguhs who are industry puppets for both races play just as much of a role in what Hip Hop has become.
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That's true, but all they do is push it, who consumes it?
That's the main reason for the current state of hip-hop, yea there are artist who make whack ass music but there's always been those type of niggas since the birth, the problem is the consumer, we are the ones who listen to the shit. If you take a step back from the consumers, you see that they also make up society, so in society being ****ed up, hip hop becomes ****ed up because society makes up hip-hop, if that made any sense. In order for hip hop to get better, society has to change for the better. Not to mention this is why Hip-Hop has always been seen as "sick and horrific" because it reflects society, and society obviously doesn't like the image they see in the river. As for the article, he made a statement, no proof. The fact that he talked about "jews" pushing the "Degenerative" music doesn't even tie into the topic of blacks not making hip-hop into what it is today (And that is a lie we did make it into what it is, because the reason this pussy poppin drug paraphernalia shit is out is because it reflects a part of society, and hip hop is society, the jews just try to sell it). At the very most, it is another rant by a nigger hating jew bashing all american Ku Klux Klan member.

Good point if nobody wanted to listen to that type of music it wouldn't sell or get spins like it has.
One of the Jewish producers who’s boasting about the fact that every one of the top 10 Billboard songs were those he controlled — even rap music is not something that blacks really are responsible for. It was the Jewish record producers who promoted this degenerate and sick and horrific music.”

He's right but the same can be said about Hollywood, Wall Street, Rock music etc... Jews run America literally. So much so a racist KKK member can do nothing about it but complain and promote hate(lol). Let's not forget it was the Jews who marched with Blacks in civil right protests. Some of them even lost their lives and they were instrumental in helping Blacks combat the KKK in Alabama and Mississippi so I'm sure they're not David Duke's favorite people. They're also all over Washington on Obama's staff, Goldman Sachs etc... David Duke must really feel oppressed by them and resentful of their success and power.
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David Duke- Card carrying racist since the late eighties/nineties.
Expressed profile of old-school kkk- we hate just about all groups who are not Christian and of European descent.
The kkk have long included the Jews in their critique of society.
David Duke is not worth my time on any level, nothing he says surprises me.
A kkk member isn't exactly a trustworthy source of information. The whole Jews run the world thing is old. come up with some new theories