Dame Dash Owes Everyone Money

Cool. Why did u post it then Bap? The guy seems like he has beef with Dame. According to the vids Dame keeps posting he's living well. Must be leasing I guess.
That was a long read but pretty well kept me entertained at work.

I agree it seems a bit like the writer had an axe to grind with Dame, but i also don't doubt that Dame is full of ish too.
Is he broke as a joke? Only people who know for sure are Dame and his accountant.

Soon as he started talking about Combat Jack and his bs I was laughing too hard, he called him out just the way I have always seen that fool.
I personally don't put much stock in him or FMF, but the guy who wrote this article is far from center in all this.
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Jesus, I just fucced away an entire afternoon reading Byron's Medium blogs, can't say I'm mad though--the guy can write his ass off and exposed some interesting things about hiphop I didn't know.
I kno he owe my nigga currn$y some bread...
But then so does wayne n baby...
- they owe everybody...
- juve dumbass
Its alot of snakes....
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To Dame's defense, Lee Daniels owes him 2 million dollars. Dame may have overextended himself but he gave Lee daniels his last two million that he had allocated for a indpendent film to do the Woodsman. Lee Daniels later reneged on the payments and now Dame has sued him. I guess you can call that a bad business move. Dame seems to react on emotions rather than sound business judgement. Dame has since come up with another 2 million that he's investing in a film.

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Doesn't everyone owe somebody some money? Most people are in debt. Even rich people.
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I'm curious to see if Dame handled his paperwork correctly and had Lee Daniels sign a contract stating that money was clearly a loan. Some people like myself don't handle money being taken from us too well. It'd be hard as hell for me to patiently wait for the courts. " I want my money nigguh. I showed you love and this is how you treat me?" It would take everthing in me not to bust Lee Daniels in the head with a pipe.(A pipe is extreme, but I'd at least have someone pay him a visit) I hear it's gotten so ugly Lee is now being represented & protected by the Jews he works for in Hollywood. Apparently they dont appreciate Dame slandering their cash cow in various videos and have taken measures to provide him with security to protect their investment. The Jewish Defense League protected Eazy E with armed security back in the day after Suge ran up on Eazy E with guns & goons& forced Eazy E to release Dr. Dre. They will definitely protect their investments and bring out their goons too when threatened. The Jewish Defense League later tried to extort money from Tupac when he was on Death Row telling him his life was in jeopardy and they could protect him.The Feds got involved.
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