Commercial / Corporate sound mixing and mastering?


New member
can you tell me how to get this kind of corporate sound in the video? Sounds like many high frequencies were cut down... and very nicely solved bass. Do you know how exactly to mix and master tracks to sound like that?
Maybe there is some kind of tutorial or pack of presets / templates for commercial music?
I mostly use Izotope Ozone 5, also have Trash2, Alloy.
I didn't hear anything that was special about this mix in comparison to other forms of music outside of level adjustments. The mix sounds as if there was plenty of room for a vocal track and is pretty clean.

If you want to mix like this, you could save the audio and use it as a reference for whatever you are working on.
In my experience "corporate sound in video" is far from a reference. Cinema sound guys are much more skilled than the average-joe-video-editor wich is generaly involved in this particular sound you're describing.
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