Chopping Breaks in Edison/Slicex


New member
I always used Recycle to chop my drum breaks into individual hits. Reason for this is because you can easily separate the stereo channels and choose the L/R channel and chop each, export in mono, and stack/layer them.... This has always given me the best result..

But I have been using Slicex a lot now for everything else. Most all my drums have already been chopped from breaks and organized... I haven't had to chop a break in a while.

So now, I have a boatload of new breaks and I don't want to go back to Recycle. But my issue is this...

I can't discern the L/R channels when selecting mono/stereo on Slicex or Edison. It still shows a single stereo waveform where as in Recycle you would see separate L/R channel waveforms. The manual says it should export the stereo track into 2 separate hits when mono is selected, but it does no such thing.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong?