An album from the producer's perspective.


AKA Bro Morte
So I did an album recently, you can find it in the showcase thread here:

But i'm here to post a link to a blog I have written about the production that went into the album.

I figured it would be a good read for any new heads or people looking to improve as a smart eye will be able to pull some things into their own productions from what I have written.

Here's the link Eastman's Thoughts: Still Living- A Producer's Perspective!

I also gave a shoutout to FP on it as you guys have helped me a lot in my growth as a musician.

Hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Cool bro followed you as well, That "Getting Too High" joint is nice.

Any1 got some constructive criticism for the blog so I know how to improve for next time?

I'm trying to do more blogging and starting up a lil video/streaming type thing once I get the webcam up and running.