Am I aspiring to fail?


New member
music has been my life. when I was a kid, my mom initially thought that I was just like any normal toddler, banging on objects because the noise was fun, but she soon realized that I loved making rhythmic patterns when she sings. she knew I had tempo and was adjusting to her musicality at a very young age.

my dad was never in the picture–just me and my mom. she gave up HER dreams of being a singer to raise me well, and I've been so blessed to have someone as supportive as her in my life. we're not rich by any means, but I still can't forget the first guitar she ever bought me when I was 13. It was just a cheap Yamaha guitar but I made it my own and have been writing and recording songs ever since.

I'm graduating (albeit virtually) from high school a few months from now, and I'm really stuck. i want to pursue music, I want to be my own artist, but I have no savings because my mom never wanted me to work until I graduate, I love her to pieces–but I'm a little lost on what to do. for those who are doing music/producing full-time now: what side hustles, money-earning platforms, or any income-earning advice do you have to a teen looking to go into the music industry?

I have no working experience whatsoever, I only have straight A's... if that helps in any way.
Be really creative with how you do everything in music.

Don't hesitate to get another high paying career in case music does not pan out.
music has been my life. when I was a kid, my mom initially thought that I was just like any normal toddler, banging on objects because the noise was fun, but she soon realized that I loved making rhythmic patterns when she sings. she knew I had tempo and was adjusting to her musicality at a very young age.

my dad was never in the picture–just me and my mom. she gave up HER dreams of being a singer to raise me well, and I've been so blessed to have someone as supportive as her in my life. we're not rich by any means, but I still can't forget the first guitar she ever bought me when I was 13. It was just a cheap Yamaha guitar but I made it my own and have been writing and recording songs ever since.

I'm graduating (albeit virtually) from high school a few months from now, and I'm really stuck. i want to pursue music, I want to be my own artist, but I have no savings because my mom never wanted me to work until I graduate, I love her to pieces–but I'm a little lost on what to do. for those who are doing music/producing full-time now: what side hustles, money-earning platforms, or any income-earning advice do you have to a teen looking to go into the music industry?

I have no working experience whatsoever, I only have straight A's... if that helps in any way.
That drive to pursue your passion at a very young age is something you should nurture–only a few people are given that kind of gift. It's great that you already have a goal set on your mind and I know it's a little tough given your situation. I kinda understand your mom's perspective though, if I could prove for my kids while I still can, I wouldn't want them to work and just focus on their studies.

With regards to the side hustle, there are tons of ways for you to make money while pursuing your passion. Have you ever thought of diving into e-Commerce? This can also be a prime way for you to establish basic principles of sales and marketing because you're going to need it, even in the music industry. Someday, when your famous and known worldwide–you're going to probably make a ton of money out of merch and all that stuff, so this is a really good skill to learn right now. Just find a niche you see fitting and start on the bumpy road of e-commerce. If you're ecstatic to start, I'll link a guide here to kick things off.

But finding something to sell is the easy part, getting the word out there–not so much. Most people would bombard you with a plethora of information that just doesn't make any sense. Whether it's SEO, Ads, or other forms of marketing–it's kinda complicated. But long story short, Facebook Ads and Google Ads are the most effective, it just so happens that they often cost a ton of money. Not really ideal for someone starting out, so you can go ahead and explore alternative platforms for ads to see your options.

Right now, it's all about maximizing the resources available to you–most of these are just one Google search away. Best of luck to your music career bud! :))