Acoustic setup for 8" amplified studio monitors


New member
Hi guys,

I just bought a pair of supposedly kick-ass Adam A8X amplified studio monitors for my relatively large living-room.

As I find their sound very disappointing with songs that I usually love, I allow myself to consult the community.

What would be your hints for a step-by-step acoustic improvement, provided that the possible adjustments are:

- The 3 "screws" at the back of each speaker (high shelf, low shelf, tweeter level)
- The distance/position of the speakers in relation to the room walls and corners
- The equalizer on the computer
- Any physical acoustic modules I could add
- Any software you may think of
- Anything else I may have forgotten

As you can see on the pictures, the speakers are placed in a slightly narrower part of the room (3.5 meters wide at this point, 12 ft) and the rest of the room is about 5 m x 10 m (17 ft x 33 ft)

Thanks a million in advance

This is truly a blank slate. Before u get into the treatment stuff, u need to get a desk and/or speaker stands.
Its a big open room, so there's pros and cons to that. What are u using you proposed studio for? Mixing, recording, or both? Basic treatment would be panels on the left and right for the first reflection points, you could also hang some "cloud' panels right above the desk (when u get one). Just a few points for the time being. Also, i wouldn't touch the knobs on the back of your monitors for now.