Ableton Live Drum Machines (Suite component)


I've looked all over and hardly anyone seems to have an opinion about Ableton Suite's Drum Machines. I'm just getting Live * (up from Intro) and I was thinking about getting this, seeing as how it seems to be a good price.

Do any of you use it regularly? Are there micro controls for each pad?

i know it's probably not as good as Battery, but Battery is $150 more.

Please tell me about this product. I'm just installing Live 8 and I don't want t confuse myself with the Suite trial.
I use them occasionally - they're basically just Drum Rack patches with some macro controls thrown in, which I rarely find useful for *my* purposes, but I reckon they're mostly pretty nice. That said, I'm a very DIY-kind of guy when it comes to sound processing, so I'm probably not the best to judge stuff I rarely touch (as I'd rather build my own macros). The sounds themselves are good. I'm not sure what you mean by "micro controls" - they utilize Simplers like you usually do with the Drum Rack.