Track - Young Heavyweights (F4F)

Flow Is cool. Def. Vocals Too Loud. I would put in drops and or switch it up a bit. I def. think you have something there though!!! Dedication+Motivation+Sacrifice=Sucess
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Flow is really good (both of you). And of course vocals are too loud. And when you start rapping the sample is too monotonous (from 0.11 to 0.22), I think it should change a little bit earlier. But I'm gonna follow you definitely

check my beat (I'm still noob)
Trumpet beat
The vocals do seem to be a bit too loud, but overall I'd say it's a great song. The lyricism is really creative and the delivery is very passionate (even if it's a bit loud). Good job.
Thanks for the feedback yall, as soon as I get back to my comp ill check everything out and leave feedback, I followed those on soundcloud that liked or commented!
yeah, the vocals really are too loud, the instrumental is really good though.
Your flow is on point, it matches the beat, but as you said, the voice takes over too much space. Otherwise , keep it up, I'm impressed