Smoker's Roll - F4F


New member
Sticking on a breakbeat theme before I share any other styles, here's a mellow little number out there to kick back and chill to. Light 'em if you got 'em!

Feedback for feedback as always :)

haha love the grandmama's boy sample. pretty dreamy beat, hat work is nice. big splashes bring some energy, the conga/bongo seems a little generic sounding my only criticism.
Heh, thanks for the listen man. To be honest, I know what you mean about the bongos. The more I hear them the more "cut & paste" they sound with no real love or intricacies used. I should really sort that out at some point!

Appreciate the feedback mate :)
The bass is really island feel. I like the way you put the drums and congas on it too. Keep up the great work!
Great fan of your style. Very nice production. Although, I would turn that bass just a tiny bit down! Other than that, everything sounds clean!
This beat is amazing, it definitely makes you feel liked you chilled out somewhere. I love that bass and the percussion. Good work with the melodies and stuff.
Yeah this beat is awesome, your percussion is really tight - I especially like the rhythm of your hat loop. Your flute sound fits so nicely as well, giving it this great laid back vibe. Mixing wise I cannot think of any real critiques, the drums hit hard and everything sits together nicely. Great stuff!
There is a real dope vibe to this beat. The hihats are on point. The only thing I suggest is that you change the first crash since it hits a little after the kick which makes it sound like it is clipping.
really smooth and chill, i like the flute melody and there's enough goin on in the track to keep it interesting. good work
Thanks for all the feedback guys (those with links shall receive the F4F treatment shortly). Am really pleased people are feeling it. So, the general concensus is that it's all pretty much bang on, but tone down the bass a bit. Sweet :) I can do that! :)