Norwegian produced HIPHOP BEAT


New member
Hey ppl I need feedback on this beat to decide whether to complete it 100% today or delay it for later use. Is it allright?

Sampled from Conan
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oh this that stoupe shit mane i like it im not sure about how you chopped it tho. i think you coulda flipped it a tad different. i know this sample its not chopped too different from the sample but its still dope i just think that thing u got goin in the intro you coulda left out. and the mix needs slight bit off work the sample over powers your drums. the kick needs to be the most prevelant thing in the mix. the melodies arent working with your drums their clashing. but its a great beat and maybe with some reworking itd be even better
I was like that sound kinda like the music from Conan and then I saw you sampled it. Nice, I like the beat. The only thing is I'm not feeling the intro and that off key section that starts at :53. Other than that its dope.
this is def some unique shit, not really feelin the way you flipped it tho, can't really vibe to it imo, keep going fam
As a sample based producer the beat sounds good, but to make it stand out you should use a couple of techniques which I implement into most of my beats.

At the 0:54 mark when the sample sequence changes, you should transition the change by muting the drums on the last part right before the new part of the sample kicks in.

You should also consider adding more percussion to the beat, the drums are good but you should make them stand out by not making it feel repetitive or computerized. So for the kick, snare and hi hats, play around with the velocity levels, this should make the drums feel like it is being played live.

Add a little bit of reverb to your snare (not too much but some to give it a spacey live feel)

Overall its a good beat but consider the info that I gave you, you will be surprised how much of a difference these little changes can make.
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the beat is dope. I think it needs a little boost in the low frequencies and i didnt like the chopping in the begining. other than that i love the beat man good work