New Beat called " Justice League" !!! Feed4Feed

I like how you incorporated the FX of the police in there. I think the piano is too simple. I think if it was less staccato, and notes lasted twice as long as they do, it would sound more epic, then maybe have some other notes of the same piano playing in the background. I like the pad that comes around at the end. Keep working on your stuff, and pushing it out! Loved to hear more.
Cool beat man, only thing I feel should be added is some variety with the pianos. Kind of feels like you made this beat pretty quickly just because of how respective the piano composition is. Kick drum could use a bit of compression as it would shave down some of the spikes the hard hitting kick makes when heard together with the piano. Few adjustments should make this track sound way better. Other than that overall this track is pretty chill.

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i have got to say the concept is there but the piano is a little to prominent for my taste had to really focus to hear the other elements but for my taste pushing that element(the piano) back in the mix and turning everything else up and it's golden -Hsu