All it needs is A Rapper!! F4F



Trying something a bit different than usual, personal I think it turned out good.

Lately I haven't gotten back much negative feed back and my beat sales haven't been great.
So you guys aren't being honest about my beats or I'm not marketing myself properly.
I would like some feed back to help me improve my beats and some tips to help me get some more sales.
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My honest opinion bro since you asked for it:

Overall the song is not bad, BUT this beat doesn't have any UMPH! You have to grab an artist's attention. You take too long to get things going and then when they do start going there is not much energy there. The piano is ok for the melody and the filter is a cool way to build that sound up but what happened to your drop at :57?? You didn't bring the PAIN! You even teased the hats but didn't bring them in!! Not to even mention, WHERE IS YOUR SUB?! The entire song is just a kick. Get you a nasty sub with a little bit of distortion and blow everyone away at :57!

The mix needs a lot of work. It doesn't sound like you eq'd your instruments much as a lot of the high frequency instruments are mudding the mix with low frequencies. Some sounds are too loud, some too quiet. The kick needs more punch. You should really concentrate on this area for a while in my opinion.

Your strengths are definitely your arrangement and sound selection. I made a lot of beats just like this in the past, so I can feel what you were going for. You just need to refine the beat/your skill. You are getting very close my friend. Keep doing your thing.

Check this out if you want to return feedback.
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i dig the beat, i would tear that track up. but like the above poster said it needs more oomph. this is hip hop/rap, and it needs that killer low end.
agree with pM about the sub bass and mix
beat is good but has great potential, this type of track really could benefit from some heavier drums
really like the part at 2:00 and the hat patterns
I definitely like the direction this is going though. Very inspirational. It makes me want to rap to it as well haha. PM does have a point about adding more bass and making it filled with more energy.It will be different though once a rapper starts rapping to it, because rapping can shape a song differently than bass can, if you know what i mean. Check out my song(hopefully my signature shows up) Notice the way I build my song up (not to say my song is better than yours or anything like that, so dont take it like that.)
In hip-hop the drums are essential piece and you need to be able to feel them present, everything else is beautiful love the melody good job.
Nice melody work. Everything seems to be working well together. Think the part where you just drop in some of the hi hats is alittle weird, they are also quite loud, have them drop into the background abit more. Need to be more of a subtle detail. Also could do with more of a bassline. Right now this sounds like the intro to a beat, which never drops. Alot of records out now, try to build suspense then drop the beat, so just check out how they go about doing that closer.

Hope this helps.

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I don't think this track needed any "Umph" or whatever. Not all tracks have to be bangers. This was smooth to listen to and I could definitely see Drake and Ricky on this and kill it. The only thing I think you should is a beat drop in between verses. Other than that, perf.
The piano and emotive feeling in the track is cool but agree with pM you've teased listeners with hi hats but never brought them into the mix til near the end of the beat - I think that could make a huge difference. I personally don't like the whistle sound at 1.55; the high notes with it sound kinda cheesy to and don't work well with the serious piano sounds. The other pulsating synths sound cool though.

I think there's a lot of potential in the beat though...keep at it and keep doing your thing.

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