Hip-Hop Sampled Beat [Guaranteed F4F]

Hey man

I like the the sampled piano chords a lot, but the other part where the piano plays single notes doesnt fit in there in my opinion.
Not feelin the shakers as well. The style is quite intresting, the piano chords are giving me the cypress hill feeling :cool:
I like the groove pattern of the percussion, but the drum pattern is too simple for me.. I could have really heard this track having a dope groove if you did a drum pattern like in "if it aint about the money"... you know, where the kick has some nice fast then slow off beat patterns before the snare hits. This drum pattern is too predictable. Also, it feels like its missing a major element, I was expecting an 808. All of the sounds lack power.. you should try pushing them harder. The piano stabs are discordant.. they mess with my head. Was a nice concept, but gotta work on creating energy with your sounds, not just a pattern. Well, thats my opinion anyway.