Dreamy Stoner type Beat||Feed 4 Feed

Nice flutes man, beautiful lil gem to drift away too... I like how they switch out to a stringed synth too!

Thats a really cool touch...

Love to hear the snare switch up a bit, double taps or a change in rhythm etc.. the reverse snares hint at this and sounds great!


Jacky T
Thats so smooth and relaxing mate! The bass is strong as always and the melody is dope,the drums have the right amount of reverb and the sound is full without any exagerrations,could see A$AP Rocky on it,no flaws,Keep it up!
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Sounds real chill man. That flute adds a darker vibe to it. Great piano sample as well man! The delay on the snare makes it much fuller. You could maybe make the hats a LITTLE bit quieter but that might just be me. Overall, a great beat bro.

Check out my newest beat man!
dope track G, real vibey, would put this on latenight driving home from work.

the snare could be tuned up a little, so it gets that crispy+fat sound