Beat Instrumental - Fight Music (!) #dope

I love this sound bro. really harmonic strings and brass. The cymbals sound smooth and blend in well. However I think you could have added a little more "kick" to your kicks and made the clap a little more crisp. You can do this by boosting the mid-end without making it sound weak. I'm sure you already know this but just in case you don't haha. I can see tupac being remixed on this beat.

Please return feedback

Thanks for the feedback fam! This track is dope im diggin the instrumentation, I think your drums could knock a little harder to set it off more. Try bussing all your drums to one track and adding compression so they all "glue" a little better and hit harder dynamically. Just a trick you might wanna play with if you haven't already!
New drums are a lot better. I'm not sure about the instrument though. the melody is good and works but sounds very midi and could sound a bit more real if that makes sense. NEEDS a big bass to fill out the bottom end as well i reckon.