BANGER "ARSENAL" need feedback [F4F]

Great sound selection! Yeah, this is nice as hell. ...wait, hell isn't nice. This is nice as the eff word. Yeah, that's accurate. Nice mix, nice drums and patterns, good breaks, the bass slides make me kinda wish I had a drink in me, and the melody is good too. All around neck breaker, my man
That drop is dope. The hats that come in are nicely placed. The only thing is the mix could juts overall use a few more sounds.
- dope ass 808
- melody fits the 808
- minor details here and there

- gets repetitive at some point, find a rapper to spit on it !

snare don't need that much reverb, it puts it behind the 8o8.
Everything about this is good. Not my preference in beat but its clear you know what you're doing. Sound selection is pretty good and a little unique. Maybe I wanted a little bit more from the melody but shit did start to get real at 1:51