My Tracks @ Soundclick

I am about to give you the least insightful review I have ever given anyone.

Please don't make any more of this.

Part NEW VW BUG commercial, part anphetamine induced epileptic fits. I am sure this would have gone over fine in the 1996 happy hardcore scene in LA. However this not only sounds dated, it's overly simplisitic and and repetitive.

However it's the brightest and happiest music I have ever listened to on this site.
yea thats what everyone is telling me that its dated???

even tho its dated this type cannot be released? this is the type of style i like to make.
I don't see why you can't make what you want. I just really don't like the genre (I was a happy hardcore fan in the late 90's) I finally stopped taking meth and started listening to music ;)

If it's what you feel, do it just don't expect any record execs to be breaking your door in anytime soon.