I gotta say, the atmosphere is amazing on this track. The small-ish complaints I have is that the cymbal in the drop needs to go. Replace it with a noise hit, with some darker color instead of the bright sound you normally hear. The drums could use a tad bit better EQ, right now they're nearly there in the mix. The main metal wobble sound needs some highs, to bring out the distortion in the sound. An EQ'd hi-hat would sound great in the second half of that first drop. Take multiple hi-hats and cut them down so they're just mids and put them in a pattern.

Now, here's the biggest issue I have - at 0:33, where there's just the kick, turn it into a subbass that cuts into that empty space. For the best example of what I mean,

At 3:16 at the beginning of the second drop. Something like that would sound cool.

Here's a track of mine!
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