A really important song for me that needs input. [F4F]


New member
Hi guys this track is 2 years old and is for my group Samurai Dance Party.
This song means a lot to me, but sadly it hasn't aged well. We never finished it since we didn't know what to do with it. It has a folk twang and we tried to make the elements work. The 3rd part has a more electronic vibe but i cant tell if its good or not. Maybe I just need to switch the synth to something less in your face. Anyways, I need to know what kind of stuff to fix. Drums too loud, synths suck, too cheeesy, etc. Thanks so much you guys.
Here is the super over the incredibly secret and exclusive hidden track


Also I love to give feedback, so if you leave something of value to the thread i will totally give feedback for yours.
The mellow 2nd part of the song is really good, by far my favourite part. I think as you said the drums are too loud I find they tend to overpower the rest of the instruments it is hard to focus on anything but the drums, however in the 2nd part the drums are much quieter and this really lets the rest of the instruments shine through and it sounds great. Definitely think something great can come from this with the drums toned down!

Not qualified to offer much more critique than that as I'm just a newbie but keep up the good work!
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I could listen to something like this, it reminds me of portishead. The bass sounds like it needs to be compressed, I feel like its fighting with the guitar. However I love the acoustic pattern, catchy.

Here is a Link to my youtube page, support and feedback would be greatly appreciated !
Awesome, thanks I just needed to verify that the drums were a problem since I have listened to this way too many times. Also keep up your music dude.
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Awesome stuff, I left some feedback on your forum you made earlier. I really love your mellow songs and the darkness of them.