EDM Piano track - "Hope" [F4F]


New member
Hey guys,

This is my third EDM track that I'd like to share with you. Please comment musical/technical side of the track. All feedback would be greatly appreciated!

If you want my feedback on our work just leave a link in the reply. As always 100% feedback return guarantee :)

No luck this time with the feedback so far:) This is new edit of the track with less limiting + EQ tweaking. In my opinion it sounds better now, what you think ? All feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Sound quality is actually not that bad, sounds are mostly clear and leveled db wise. Now to the composition: After the beautiful piano solo at the start, I think the buildup needs to be twice as long. What follows that (as main part) depends on what kind of sound you want your track to have. If you want it to be more "commerce" sounding, than drop the GAT, but keep the pad (it sounds good). Instead of a GAT accordion melody, do a lead melody which punches on 3/4 maybe...it all boils down to what kind of EDM track you want this to be. I have found out that finding or creating a proper synth (for lead) becomes more and more challenging as you advance in music theory.

Overall this sounds good, just needs a bit more...how to put it, "soul". But the piano at the start is epic, and that is so important in order to grab the listeners attention!
Nice track! Starts off really good with the nice piano intro.
I think the drop could be a bit harder if you make the bassline a bit more raw and fat (add some distortion maybe?).
The synth starting at 2:25 is really good! Your melodies are also good and you've added enough variation to keep it interesting.
One small thing: the piano sound very familiar to me, is it one of the presets of Nexus? It's not that it's sounding bad, but it's not really original.
Overall a decent track!
Hey bartloomey,

I think the feedback others already gave you in this thread resumes quite nicely everything in your track (I especially agree with Amund's sugestion on reducing the gate in order to have a more catchy lead sound, which is extremaly important for drops)

1:26 - 1:39 my fav part, that circling pad + groovy drum sequence + amazing melody on synths really got me tripping.

You can also, for tracks with this style, search for some inteligible vocals with long notes (like 'Hmmmmmmm' 'Ohhhhh' - haha -), they just fit very well with pads and progressive vibes and add an even more professional level to your track. Tweak effects like vocoder too in order to expand your touch in your music.

Great track overall, buddy. Keep it up, friend!

When you have the time, please check out my new remix: it's for a contest, so if you like and leave your vote, it'll be very helpful! :)

Music Link (listen and vote)

Thread Link (for feedbacks)

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Thanks for the feedback! Yes, indeed adding some long-note vocals like sighs for example could help here :) Next time will experiment with that for sure. Feedback returned in your thread. Cheers!