BRIAN x Jack U (ft.Justin Bieber) - Where Are You Now


New member
The mastering is really bad....
This is my second remix using FL.
I realized that there are parts that needed polishing but it's published now... (too late ha ha)

Feedback is always appreciated!
Thanks guys!


- vocal sounds one sided, it gives me a headache., try mono it , and then parallel process to spread it using chrous , wideners, phasers , reverb , delays etc, you could parallel all those and probably add a tiny bit of each , who knows what it comes out ,? experiment :)

- bass is indeed terrible , it fights in the lows , try editing it, as the kick ends cut the bass from there and cross fade it.

- before the build add like some reverse hats , or add a huge re verb to the first word alone, then bounce it down , import , then reverse it before the vocal hits as it sounds cool to like build a little before.

- the crash in the beginning cut out some Hpf the mids , add a delay.

- is this a remix ? na just kidding... :)
I agree with Gre!g. Not horrible for your 2nd production. Try to get more funky and intricate with your instrumentals. I actually like the beginning of the second build up, its really chill. If it helps, try mimicking what your favorite artists do just to get some ideas. Not copying it, but try to get a style from them and you will find your own style eventually. On mastering, just watch some tutorials and read some articles on it. Good luck!
i tried layering the vocals like I saw in a tutorial but i see that it didn't work out.
I'll go with mono next time.
How should i edit the overpowered bass? Should i give it less volume?

I need more libraries for SFX in general...
If you can lead me to them D:.... pretty please...
How should i edit the overpowered bass? Should i give it less volume?
Less volume, look into compressing, master with Maximus (fl studio) or similar program. or you could make the mids/treble "louder". You can make everything as loud as you want it as long as it does distort itself or anything else.
I am assuming you don't have studio monitor speakers so you make the bass louder because you could not hear it. You need to try to get a pair of Studio Monitor speakers or headphones if your serious about producing. If you already have a pair then good!

I need more libraries for SFX in general...
If you can lead me to then D:.... pretty please...
You can just google for them really. There are plenty of free things on the internet.
Here are some things I have and use. I dont know if can tell you to do this--->I got them of ThePirateBay.

78 Drum Machines
VEC1 stuff
Stuff from Loopmasters
Kaotone Sound Sample Pack
Stuff from Ueberschall

Also if you have the time please check out my thread asking for feedback and give me feedback if you have the time.
- to edit bass , instead of using midi for the kick use audio samples on the arrangement, bounce down bass , now instead of using sidechain ,cut bass every time the kick hits , adjust the lenght of the bass and kick to what groove you like , now you will hear a bit of clipping , add cross fades as the bass begins and ends , adjust and tweak when the kick ends and the bass begins.

- for more tips i am glad to help with anything, 0-P