mixing sub bass with 808?


New member
can it be done effectively? I know an 808 kick is a sub bass, so if you have a bassline with a sub bass, can you get it to blend with a boomy 808 without clashing?
If you think about it, you can't have a sub bass and a very low-end kick without both clashing. You have two options, either pan one left and pan one right, which is not likely wanted; or remove the sub frequencies from one.

Audio-mixing is relative. An 808 kick that is missing a lot of its extreme lower end frequencies can still have a lot of bass due to the sub bass that is playing alongside. However, when you remove the sub bass, the kick could and likely will sound very thin.

So, the answer is yes. Simply, they both can't have sub-bass and one has to complement the other.
if u have the 808 at lets say 40hz and a kick hitting arround 49hz and a bass line ranging from 38-80hz you will have alot of clashing. when mixing a kick and 808 pay attention to the spacific frequencys to make sure they dont clash togeather. picture the 2 wav forms togeather. one is slightly diff and the energy of both makes it hard for the cone of the speaker to define the signal creating a wabbling sound. tuneing the pitch of your bass-kick then adding the melody in key with eachother will help combine the frequencys without that wabbling effect BUT you should have 1 strong bass eliment at 1 time. so when you have the tones matched up you can eq the kick less then if they wernt matched. thus giving the kick a more full sound in the long run.
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