Opinion on Formal Education


New member
Hey all! I'm newish. Wanted to drop a wiggly line and see if it caught fire?


Anyways, I've been a lurker for a minute and am recently in a fadangle of things, and wanted some opinions. I started attending Full Sail University for Music Production Online a couple of years ago, and then came to Orlando to change enrollment to their Recording Arts degree. Now, after some redundant and remedial nuances, I've switched back to a major in Music Production, but on-campus, and am feeling a certain way about it. The school works primarily out of Logic and PT. I work primarily out of S1 4. I'm in another theory class with about 7 months left to go, learning about extended chords, and am wondering if this is something that the industry really gives two thoughts about? I'm using the GI bill for my tuition, and am wondering if I'm wasting my time here. It's all "subjective" as they keep reiterating. Thoughts? Experiences?