How much beats should you finish a day,week, month?

There is no definitive answer....
Some people are able to make 3 beats a day....
Some people are only able to make one...

It doesnt really matter... what matters is the quality not quanity...
If u make 1 beat a day that is musically and structurly sound... wonderful
But if u make 5 trashy beats a day.......

What is important is that you experiment and always try'n out do urself...
-with this u cant go wrong...
Never understood that ''i make this many beats a day'' thing. A beat takes as long as it takes. If u got some kind of time limit for a beat, your just limiting yourself and the beat probably aint gonna be at its full potential. Quality over quantity.
If u want to make music full time just make music full time.
I do whatever works at the spaceman said, one good beat, that's well structured or I might make say, 2 or 3 hooks and structure them depends really...
Unless you have a specific idea to work fruitful......and multiply. Sketch beats are as good as gold. With that said, HAVE PLENTY OF FREE SPACE and save EVERYTHING!

Truth be told....anybody is lying to their self if they claim to know exactly what people want. It's stuff that I made that I felt was some of my best work that nobody cared about.......and shit that was just a loop I made in 30 seconds as a demonstration or messing around that had people saying they were in love with it.....AND IT PISSES ME OFF!!!!

So get over it.......nobody knows if they have a hit...shut that shit up........make music and let nature do what it do....because that beat idea you made that you thought sucked (because you think you know shit and shit) might be the jam you catch a college band playing on ESPN because some rapper that you hated on FP.... sold 10 million copies of his hit song "Whoomp There It Is"...thief recorded your shit and sold it pound of weed plus even on the money that he all hollywood and shit "well......I started to delete it because... you know....I'm just awesome like know.....go to my soundcloud page and you will see that beat was just child's play"...........thinking you about to get super rich if the world loves that throw away beat you made 10 years ago when you didn't know what you know now........but now you all technicle and shit.......expecrt hip hop producers to respekk yo ass because you play chords fluently now....understand how sounds mesh now......and forgot how to be werid and musically the producer named Lil FL Da Don.........he all on interviews talking about the business side of music and how he manages all of his beats getting making 30 beats a day.....selling 10 a day.......10k a piece...........YO AZZ LISTENING TO HEAR IF IT'S (East West or is it Miroslav as you have developed an ear to know the difference in the two) to determine if you think the producer is dope or not.....witcho stankin ass!!!

And fuuck hip hop I'm going back to the trap! it's more love there. Hip hop ain't shit.....
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Unless you have a specific idea to work fruitful......and multiply. Sketch beats are as good as gold. With that said, HAVE PLENTY OF FREE SPACE and save EVERYTHING!

Truth be told....anybody is lying to their self if they claim to know exactly what people want. It's stuff that I made that I felt was some of my best work that nobody cared about.......and shit that was just a loop I made in 30 seconds as a demonstration or messing around that had people saying they were in love with it.....AND IT PISSES ME OFF!!!!

So get over it.......nobody knows if they have a hit...shut that shit up........make music and let nature do what it do....because that beat idea you made that you thought sucked (because you think you know shit and shit) might be the jam you catch a college band playing on ESPN because some rapper that you hated on FP.... sold 10 million copies of his hit song "Whoomp There It Is"...thief recorded your shit and sold it pound of weed plus even on the money that he all hollywood and shit "well......I started to delete it because... you know....I'm just awesome like know.....go to my soundcloud page and you will see that beat was just child's play"...........thinking you about to get super rich if the world loves that throw away beat you made 10 years ago when you didn't know what you know now........but now you all technicle and shit.......expecrt hip hop producers to respekk yo ass because you play chords fluently now....understand how sounds mesh now......and forgot how to be werid and musically the producer named Lil FL Da Don.........he all on interviews talking about the business side of music and how he manages all of his beats getting making 30 beats a day.....selling 10 a day.......10k a piece...........YO AZZ LISTENING TO HEAR IF IT'S (East West or is it Miroslav as you have developed an ear to know the difference in the two) to determine if you think the producer is dope or not.....witcho stankin ass!!!

Real talk that happens to me all the time, I'll make something that I think is banger & people be like, "its alright" then make something that sounds whatever to me & people be like, " yo this is sick!" Lmao
Don't worry about how much you make; the biggest thing is staying consistent and finishing tracks from beginning to end. As you gain more experience, your tracks will get longer as they become more and more complex.

I'd say to make as much as you can to the point that you're still having fun doing it.
I'd worry about just being able to beat your last highscore.
At first you'll make a Lot of beats a day because it's fun dude.
Then as time go on you'll notice you're spending more time on one beat than you used to on 6.
Then you just get to a point where you are destroying your old beats in comparison :/
Then you look at stuff from 6-8 months back and be like "dam haha"
it depends on how much free time you have.. everyone's work varies.. i honestly can't make beats everyday.. my ears get tired and eventually i'll get bored.. i'd say work like this.. do a little bit everyday.. or every couple days put some hours in...
Many of the top-selling full-time Internet producers make 1-2 beats per week.
That's how long it takes an experienced beatmaker to put together a beat that meets your average rapper's expectation of quality.

If this comes at a surprise, you might wonder why it takes so long.

To turn a good sketch beat into a fantastic finished product, there's:
- Drum breaks that need to be switched to break the monotony,
- Automation that needs to be perfected,
- Mix elements that need to be polished,
- etc.

Basically, a 4-8 bar loop, no matter how catchy, isn't something people are willing to pay for.
Instead of paying for a beat that took 2 hours to make, your potential clients will just fire up their cracked copies of FL Studio and imitate your idea.
When people DO pay for beats, it's not the 2 hours of banging out a sketch that they're paying for. Nope. It's the 38 hours of polish.

This gets us into leasing vs. selling exclusives:

Top producers would rather sell leases, and exclusive licenses are so high.
It's hard to find individual rappers over the Internet who can afford to pay a week's worth of professional work!

For example:

If you live in Oregon (where min. wage is $9.10/hr.) and work from 9-5 for 5 days to put together a beat (not an unreasonable estimate by any means), you would need to make $364 from that beat simply to recoup make minimum wage (without considering marketing time/costs).
It's somewhat easier to sell 29 leases for $12.99 each for a total of ~$364 than it is to find one person who is willing to pay $364 up-front.
After all, if your rapper clients are working minimum wage jobs to make ends meet (as many indie artists are), $364 is basically their entire bi-weekly paycheck after taxes are deducted.

But what if you want to make more than a burger-flipper at McDonald's?

As your set your sights higher, it becomes increasingly more important to try to sell leases rather than exclusives.
This is because, as your costs increase, it becomes exponentially tougher to find a single individual who can afford to cover your costs outright.

If you want to make $20/hour (about as much as a junior computer programmer), you'll need to make a total of $800 for one beat that took you 40 hours to finish.
Because a rapper selling his songs for $0.99 each gets about 1/3 taken out in processing fees, he would have to sell 1,194 copies before he even breaks even on a $800 investment for an exclusive license that covers your wage (and that's assuming he didn't pay for recording, mixing, and mastering!).

Of course, the type of rapper who spends $800 on a lease is probably going to want a local studio to record, mix, and master the song for him, so you might as well add $1,500 or so to his total costs, leading to a $2,300 total investment on his end. He'd need to sell 3,432 copies just to avoid a loss on his total investment with the average price/fee structure of online music.

In fact, under these circumstances, until he sells his 4,227th copy, he'll still be making less profit from the sales of the song than you did by selling him the lease.
If I were a rapper, I'd hate to sell 4,227 copies of a song and only have 1 month of rent to show for it.

Now, look around your town and ask yourself, "How many local rappers are selling more than 3,432 copies of any given song?"
I'd venture to guess that there's not many.

By contrast, this same rapper would need to sell only 52 copies to break even on $35 worth of leasing fees, (and a rapper who spends this amount is much more likely to want to record/mix/master for himself). This is a much more reasonable figure for a somewhat-popular local indie rapper.

I know I got a bit sidetracked here with the topic of selling leases vs. exclusives, but it's definitely relevant.

To me, the notion that you should be completing more than one beat per day is absurd, and the question is therefore flawed.
It's similar to asking a doctor how many brain surgeries he should complete per hour, or asking a NASA scientist how many missions to Mars he should launch in an average month.

Salem Beats
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quality over quantity ' it dont matter how many beats imake as long as i digg sum not all are going to be hot ' and iff u starting off progression is the key and within growing you wont be so stagnant bout details ,just make beats and have funn .
I at least try to work on 1 new beat everyday.
Alot of times If i stay up late working on a beat then the next morning it might sound different to me.
So basically 1 beat a day should do it, and if you can try to do 2 or 3. just as long as you keep practicing you should be good.
as many as you feel are in your ability to do, and as many as that will help you reach your goals