the REASON that we're here...


New member
The reason I'm here is to create music... And after trying out the demo version of Reason, I have only to say that I'm saving my coins for this one... WOW!!! I couldn't believe my ears, and I'm a picky S.O.B. mind you... :D

When I first saw Acid Pro it was about $400.00 and recently I've seen it at Best Buy for only $200.00

In my opinion they always overcharge for software, but this one seems worth it. The sounds were very sophisticated and when you moved and tweaked knobs, you could hear the changes. I was impressed, and the demo doesn't even have all the modules of the full version.

I'm Definitely getting this one.
yes you should get it :)

I have the full version here (beautiful packaging too), and I can say I LOVe the factory sounds on the sampler and all the pads on the subtractor synth.

I just used it to compose a loop for a client tonight, and it doesnt even sound electronic! Piano, bass, rock drums, reverbs and other delays.. very good stuff and everything is saved in a unique "project" file. very good.