Sampling techniques on reason



So how I've been sampling on reason was by using recycle and the dr. rex. I would first use audacity to get the parts of the song i wanted which were only loops. Basically all my sampled beats have been loops instead of "playing" the sample like how one would on an MPC.

This takes really long to do and not that I have an Akai MPK I'd like to put those pads to use. Also just having a loop on repeat isn't really creative. What are some of the ways you guys sample using reason?

I once tried using the NNXT and setting zones for my sample but I didn't know 100% what I was doing and it was coming out as a mess.

To be honest I'd like to stop just using loops and start getting more creative with samples.
Chop your samples into quarter or half notes in recycle then load up in rex/nnxt and play some patterns.