Reason 4 question about copy paste, loop keyboard shortcuts and refills


New member
just got Reason 4! seems like it has some good sounds, even though this is new i'm looking forward to purchasing some refills any good ones to suggest? i'm making rap and rand b music.

also one irritation i'm having and i've searched the manual but i'm not sure exactly what to look under... In tracktion 3 there's a smooth little feature that i'd like to think reason 4 has since it cost so much. The feature is simply in tracktion say i only play 1 bar and i want to loop it over and over again i simply press i (for in point or start point) and o (for stop point) i copy marked section and simply paste over and over hitting ctrl i. I love that feature because it's easy to get the right start and finish point unfortunately i don't know they keyboard shortcut to do this with in Reason, is there a simple way?? i never seem to get the start and end point right when entering it ends at 4.1.008 seconds. i'm simply looking for a way using my computer keyboard to hit a start and end point, then a simple keyboard shortcut to copy, paste. thanks
Reason shortcuts work like microsoft word. U hit ctrl c to copy. Ctrl v to paste and delete to delete, ctrl z to undo, tab to flip the insert on the keyboard wen u wanna add sounds,modules,etc. Once u copy and paste a clip, it should line up.go to the start of the loop and make sure playback is stopped. Hit ctrl c. The marker should automatically move to the end of the clip.hit ctrl v to paste it. If the loop is off, look in the upper left hand corner where time is listed like this: and make sure the loop is on and not 4.1.008. I think I answered your question.
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don't be afraid to read the documentation/pdf's in the Reason folder, they have all kinds of useful info, such as keyboard shortcuts and midi assignments. this is especially helpful when programming your midi controller. they also have guides on how to program the synths and how to work all the knobs and buttons on samples and other stuff.
thanks for the responses, i'm about to go to work but will try the windows style copy paste things later and lev my good friend thanks as always i'll get into the manual this weekend! i know in tracktion i can set start and end points while the song is playing that helps me set the points exactly and smoothly i was hoping reason 4 could do that, thanks to everybody!