fruity loops midi question



i just bought a radium,how do i choose which jey each sample goes to, like so i ca play piano on the hole thing or put many different drum noises on different keys?
FL studio 5 has the fpc which allows you one or a few drums samples on each key.

Or you can also use the layer plugin.

Load up FL keys, select the channel, and you should be ready to go regarding playing a piano part.
Add whatever vsti you are using. Click on the left hand corner of the vsti that you added. (The window that has the vsti User Interface after you click on a channel in the step sequencer)

Then go to "link to controller", pick a function, move the fader/knob on your midi controller and you're set.
Go to the midi properties menu.

Omni midi channel "--" maps one channel/sample across the keys.

Omni midi channel "1" maps each sample you have on its own individual key.