Easiest way to track out beat in FL Studio?


New member
I normally just silence all channels except once and this takes a lot of time. I know theres a way to export it at once but forgot how to do so. Any help, tips ???

Or Suggestions of a rewire over to Adobe Audition ? Thx in advance!
yea man, as you go, every sound you add to the song, assign it to its own mixer trak..

when its all said and done, export as WAV.. select SPLIT MIXER TRAX.. LOL damn you dooin it the long way..

I did that in Reason b4 LOL
DJCproductions is correct thats the fastest and easiest way to trackout beats that is one reason why i still choose FL Studio no other software has that feature
DJCproductions is correct thats the fastest and easiest way to trackout beats that is one reason why i still choose FL Studio no other software has that feature

Not so fast...
In most DAW's your tracks exist when you record them and the only other reason to bounce is to mix down and process effects...
split mixer trax would be the very best way to do that...i usually track all of my stuff into Acid
I still find the mixer in FL a pain after a few years. What i do imost of the time is when I do patterns I only got one thing on each one, so instead of splitting the mixer tracks i just bounce the patterns individually and then rearrange the track in Pro Tools