asr X repair/servicing?


New member
now that finding a new screen for my trusty mpc 2000 is an impossibility, i'm wondering if there's someone out there who can fix this asr X i've had in my closet for 5+ years and never used. i got it in exchange for a big bottle of sauza from my old homegirl who got it from her crackhead ex-boyfriend.

it's in terrible shape. there's no volume knob, most of the buttons and pads are stuck or unresponsive and the record button got lost inside the button hole. and it's filthy, outside and in i'm sure.

who knows who can help me? i'd imagine it's an expensive fix but with mpc screens at $300 (and sold out) i'm weighing all my options.


He is in Cali, but he is the last man standing from the old Ensoniq factory. He sells all the old parts, and you can also send your asrx to him so he can fix the whole thing. But I dont know how much $$ it would cost. Call him and ask how much you are looking at.