Would really appreciate feedback


New member

Dont know if I'm improving or not, while making it it sounded good then playing it back a few times it started to sound crap so I would really appreciate advice or feedback.

Hey how do you get the sound cloud song ON the forum, to where all people have to do is click play. You have the link right underneath it as well..Does it just pop up automatically? Or..
Oh, and the last thing I'll say is, you should turn up your bass drum and turn down the snare maybe a tad. Maybe not turn down the snare, but definitely turn the bass drum up a bit DBs
Def a nice chill tune. Feelin the sample. That Kick does need to come up though. A little compression or just bring it up in DBs to get it to push through. Diggin it though
You're always improving if it's what you want to do, expand your mind, always know that you can learn more and new things every single day.

Go back and listen to some of your older beats and ask yourself if you've improved. You'll be able to hear it.

I like this beat a lot, man. Keep up the good work!