what do you think the future is going to be like?

Why would we live on the sun?

Why not? Assuming that we gain the significant scientific knowledge necessary to make it habitable, it's a great source of energy. In fact, it's the primary source of all of the energy on our planet. It helped to create the plants that the disonsaurs ate, who grew from it. They became fossilized after they died. This is the source of our "fossil fuels".

The heat from the sun creates the temperature differences in the sky, which results in wind. We harness that for energy as well.

We even gather sun energy directly from solar panels.

Current limitations in science and technology aside, why not live close to our primary source of energy?
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After(if) 2012 passes and nothing happens I bet this will be people's new obsession, lol
Why not? Assuming that we gain the significant scientific knowledge necessary to make it habitable, it's a great source of energy. In fact, it's the primary source of all of the energy on our planet. It helped to create the plants that the disonsaurs ate, who grew from it. They became fossilized after they died. This is the source of our "fossil fuels".

The heat from the sun creates the temperature differences in the sky, which results in wind. We harness that for energy as well.

We even gather sun energy directly from solar panels.

Current limitations in science and technology aside, why not live close to our primary source of energy?


Maybe because all that energy will be used to keep us and everything us we depend on to survive from melting. Even the cooling systems will have to be cooled. Do you even know any element that will remain a solid on the sun?
6) To help control overpopulation, our race will evolve to have four different sexes who must all have intercourse at the same time in order to conceive a new baby. Sexual selection will be more refined than ever.

Salem Beats

....is that a joke? lol
You will see many new forms of implants augmenting the body and the power of the brain.
All of the senses will be augmented and you will be able to interface into computer networks directly.
Flying cars won't be popular, but autonomous transportation networks will appear in a couple of years: trains/buses/cars/airplanes.

Organized religion will be more and more on the decline, making place for more New Age believe and superstition will be less and less accepted.

Machines will completely replace humans in the industries and the biggest problem won't be finding new jobs for humans, but rather what to do with the free time.

History will get a new "baby" called forumology; people studying "ancient" forums and websites and writing "books" about "ancient" ideas, electronic "2nd life" and "internet popstars".

Elvis and Michael Jackson will come back; not as clones, but computer technology will create "avatars" of musicians and actors, by studying all the available material. New paintings of Picasso or Da Vinci will be the result and Mozart will write some more "groovy shit" for the clavinet.

Solar panels are already in existence which can turn over 70% of the sun's light into electricity, so solar power will be our standard way to create energy. Some day "cold fusion" will be available.

We will start to build cities on water near the coasts; solar panels will be used for creating the energy, the water will be distiled from salt water and artificial, swimming islands will be "pretty standard".

Some day, not too far away, AI will become conscious and will be used to control all aspects of life; from transportation, finance market to government. Everyone will have a (by today's standards) supercomputer at home, which will become sort of a "house maid", "pet", "friend" and in the end, a Android-Human, creating a new "species", which will be a monumental moment in human existence; the creation of new, artificial life.
Because we will realize that their bodies are easily modified, Androids will be the "better humans"; humans will start to modify their bodies in order to live longer/forever and to surpass their "physical" limits.

The new Android species will develop a "universal consciousness", connecting all of them together and create the Technological Singularity, after which "What? How? When? and What?" won't be questions worth asking anymore. Everything that is possible, will be possible and many things which we thought of as impossible will become "common knowledge" and nothing unusual.
I won't claim to know what THAT will look like or what that means, but it will definitely be a new Golden Age.

And if the religious zealots with a button for the atomic bombs don't f**k things up, it won't take much longer than a generation for this to pass. Most of the stuff I am talking about will happen in the next 20-25 years. When you thought that the last 25-30 years were crazy, you have no clue what is about to happen. It will blow your mind.

Oh, and creating food our of garbage (bacteria eating waste and producing say proteins out of it or food for plants) will be big. And (pretty soon), artificial meat and fruits/vegetables will almost completely replace "natural" products (a lot of the meat and cheese on pizzas and such these days IS already "analogue" meat/cheese).

Bad things will get worse, but good things will get much better.

Maybe because all that energy will be used to keep us and everything us we depend on to survive from melting. Even the cooling systems will have to be cooled. Do you even know any element that will remain a solid on the sun?

Keep in mind: current limitations in science and technology aside.

There's no purpose in talking about possibilities in the future if you discuss things in the frame of our current limitations.
Too many negative people on FP.

Negative? I was a paramedic in a busy inner-city and in the military for over 10 years. I don't know you or what you have been through, but if anyone witnessed the darkest, most evil sh*t that I did while working in the combat/ civilian sector- they'd come to the conclusion that humanity has failed and is in a rapid decline to the lowest point ever in the history of humanity (or lack there of).

I became a paramedic to help because I am a"bleeding heart," but had to quit because of the poor state of our medical system. I couldn't look a dying patient in the eyes and "act" like everything was fine when I knew that they were going to die because they had no insurance. 99.9999% of doctors will "turn off" all possibilities when they find out that the patient is uninsured.

Patients were ridiculed in the open for not being successful in their attempted suicide/ overdose. I witnessed this on a DAILY bases. I took action and lost a lot because I spoke up- the hierarchy is flawed in our medical system... actually, in any bureaucratic capitalist system where people have power... they will abuse it because of greed. They will bend and twist the rules to suit their personnel needs no matter how many people get hurt in the end, just as long as their heads stay above the water.

I also read many, many books, mostly academic peer-reviewed papers, articles, dissertations and journals based on scientific fact and studies. My knowledge not only comes from "real life" experience, but from well-cited and researched books, papers and journals as well. Hardcore evidence that has been proven- not on "faith" or jaded, biased gut-feelings...

"Ignorance is bliss" they say and I am honestly a very optimistic individual (a choir teacher now), everything that I stated in my previous message was based on FACT. Not a random warped uneducated opinion... it is all from genuine experience.

Look at how we are being poisoned by food companies and corporations with all these "food-like" substances, chemicals and genetically modified foodstuff to save a buck (on their end) as well as making it faster and more with less. This very substance that is supposed to replenish and nourish our bodies with nutrients as well as keeping us alive is KILLING us slowly. The fish is tainted by our pollution, the beef contains less nutrients due to the cheap feed instead of real grass, the vegetables are being "enhanced" in laboratories, which in turn will effect us 100%.

The elite top 10% in this world will stay there and keep everyone else where they are because of a network of friends that is a constant perpetuation of connections that only helps people like themselves succeed- no outsiders are getting in there. Sorry sir, you are not on the guest list... and will NEVER be.

Our schools are failing the youth of our nation, look at the numbers on illiteracy in the U.S. alone... our universities are failing the students and is giving them false hope of "success" while taking their money and spitting them out faster than ever before. The actual graduation completion percentage of college students in the U.S. is depressing. Standardized testing is the end-all, be-all- EPIC FAIL! There is no "standardization" in multiple intelligences with people from different socioeconomic backgrounds and cultures. Student loans are making people decide whether to eat or pay and come attached with hefty percentage rates that should be illegal.

Oh, but wait, you can RISK YOUR LIFE by joining the military and getting school money (does a horse being teased by a carrot to move forward come to mind?) and know that soldiers are dying, most of which whom had no other choice to get school money... I am lucky to have made it out alive and am now getting my Master's degree. Roll the dice...

Our population is only getting bigger and at a staggering rate! Where will we get all of the resources to satisfy all the peoples' needs in this world? It will have to be made artificially because we are diminshing our natural resources at a break-neck speed. Soon violence will ensue for a simple plastic bottle of clean water.

Once this world is in dire straits, paper money will be worth NOTHING! Once our infrastructure has failed, the only items that will matter will be food, water and shelter. People will kill for this, all other concerns will fall by the wayside. The sustainability of (individual) life will rule and all other issues will become superfluous and extraneous.

I hope this world does become a better place, but research the FACTS and the truth is that this world is falling in a downward spiral and is using the express lane. I would love to believe that my daughter will live in a better world than I, but looking at where we came from to where we are now... it's hard to believe.

Negative? Nah, just truth based on fact.

---------- Post added 03-27-2011 at 04:33 AM ---------- Previous post was 03-26-2011 at 10:31 PM ----------

Live on the Sun? I believe that the sun's temperature is 5,778 Kelvin (9,940.73 ° Fahrenheit) and is about 149. 6 million kilometers from Earth. Man, I get a little grumpy when my thermostat hits about 75° F in my house!

I don't want to seem like a curmudgeon or a "Donnie Downer" here, but we as humans cannot withstand
the temperature alone. I know a hot day in Austin, TX is like Hell and the Sun is far... I would hate to get any closer to that thing!

I hear what you are saying when you refer to "our current limitations" and I know that imagination is the "MAGIC" (Charlie Sheen) that gives birth to new ideas and innovations in technology, but making a material that can withstand an obliterating 9,940.73 ° Fahrenheit temperature while maintaining a comfortable, livable human environment? Now that's an idea to marvel.
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The future is f*cked. The bad guys win....

Talked to a friend from highschool the other night for a few hours, haven't seen him in almost 10 years. He dropped out to join the military. Just so happens that was around 2001. He talked some real shit. Good guy, solid head on his shoulders, got cheated on while he was deployed, his lady for 5 years has cancer and he hasn't f*cked around on her. He was one of those dudes that didn't care about school and had some serious anger-management issues. I was surprised to see how much he had grown up.

He just happened to get f*cked over after being contracted for almost 5 years to kill other people. Working minimum-wage jobs after he got out. My other friend that was there was absolutely shit-faced, kept asking him about if he ever saw someone's head explode from a bullet fired from his own gun.

Dude kept it real and only told the good stories...playing baseball with little kids in a totally different culture...providing first-aid, antibiotics, and surgeons to people that shit in the street and don't have water or electricity available, but will walk up to an American military base holding their kid that got blew the f*ck up from a landmine...finding a house stacked wall to wall with marijuana plants and his LT told the unit "only do what fits your rank"...friend had a defective RPG warhead lodge in an ammo container next to him on top of a humvee...

I asked him if he thought it was worth us even being over there...he said he saw people experiencing some sort of freedom for the first time in their lives at 40-50 years old...guarded ballot boxes in their first ever election...said he would have gladly given his life for that shit.

He didn't want to tell the bad stories...I didn't ask, my other friend did of course. Gave me a different perspective of what's going on in the world. It's easy to judge when you got a home to go home to with water, electricity, internet, distractions...

But I still believe the bad guys always win...sorry. This planet is f*cked as long as humans live on it.

***Roll Credits***

(Drunk again and acting like as ass...don't even read this. Shit, should have put that at the top with the spoiler alert, but no exaggerations in this one, real talk just a negative outlook with the way the world has gone during my brief lifetime)
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I hear what you are saying when you refer to "our current limitations" and I know that imagination is the "MAGIC" (Charlie Sheen) that gives birth to new ideas and innovations in technology, but making a material that can withstand an obliterating 9,940.73 ° Fahrenheit temperature while maintaining a comfortable, livable human environment? Now that's an idea to marvel.

Suppose we become able to dissipate and control the flow of the sun's energy, so that you don't have to feel all of its heat? The concept of talking instantly to somebody on the other end of the US was an equally "impossible" idea long before the telegraph and telephone came about. The cell phone you probably own would've been considered an astounding, impossible marvel of progress if you took it back in time 200 years.

We split and fuse atoms in order to create massive amounts of power and massive deadly explosions. Atoms are only an approximation of reality - new methods of science discover new subatomic particles and totally different paradigms for seeing the universe. You don't suppose that we would have some way of harnessing the sun's energy more directly in the next 2000 years, as we create ever-more-refined models of reality?
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Keep in mind: current limitations in science and technology aside.

There's no purpose in talking about possibilities in the future if you discuss things in the frame of our current limitations.

You are aware that the sun is one huge fusion reactor ?
It is not a case of molten elements , but plasma states and massive radiation output .

Not a question of technology , just that every single element is heated , crushed and fused into another element (heavier) , there are no materials that can withstand the "factory" that makes all elements .

Did I mention the gravitic forces ? :P

I see the future as being an extreme of wealth divide brought on by energy crisis .
I will gain employment hunting down Nexus 6 skin jobs and narrating my own actions out loud :P
Negative? I was a paramedic in a busy inner-city and in the military for over 10 years. I don't know you or what you have been through, but if anyone witnessed the darkest, most evil sh*t that I did while working in the combat/ civilian sector- they'd come to the conclusion that humanity has failed and is in a rapid decline to the lowest point ever in the history of humanity (or lack there of).

Have you ever considered that your dissatisfaction, along with the dissatisfaction of others, is building up to a boiling point? At any moment, like a spring released, all of the anger you've built up will propel you towards fixing the problems you see. If you didn't have to deal with all of the problems that you see right now, how could you fix them?

---------- Post added at 07:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 AM ----------

You are aware that the sun is one huge fusion reactor ?
It is not a case of molten elements , but plasma states and massive radiation output .

Not a question of technology , just that every single element is heated , crushed and fused into another element (heavier) , there are no materials that can withstand the "factory" that makes all elements .

Did I mention the gravitic forces ? :P

Yes, I understand. It's a big ball consisting of a shitload of nuclear energy. I'm not an uneducated person ranting and raving about things he doesn't comprehend.

I'm going to reiterate once more that I don't have a clue how we would go about doing it, so don't ask me my ideas on implementation. All I see is a goldmine of possibilities and exciting new sciences being developed in our universities which may eventually grant us the understanding we need in order to begin tackling the problem -- but not in my lifetime or yours. Guess you can't prove me wrong and I can't prove myself right, huh?

---------- Post added at 07:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:23 AM ----------

You will see many new forms of implants augmenting the body and the power of the brain.
All of the senses will be augmented and you will be able to interface into computer networks directly.

Wouldn't it be interesting for telepathy to finally truly exist? A combination of wireless technology, brain implants, and government-mandated installation could make it happen.

There's a whole world of possible pros and cons I could see with everybody being able to see each other's thoughts.
Have you ever considered that your dissatisfaction, along with the dissatisfaction of others, is building up to a boiling point? At any moment, like a spring released, all of the anger you've built up will propel you towards fixing the problems you see. If you didn't have to deal with all of the problems that you see right now, how could you fix them?

Oh, dude, I forgot to tell you---> I'm an activist. I call and talk to my senators daily, I send emails to my representatives, I rally at the state Capitol, I stay up on all laws and I vote on everything and anything... I don't just sit down and type about this... I do take action short of violence towards making a better tomorrow. This world has enough shady, slimy politicians and we all need to WAKE UP AND FIGHT!

WAKE UP AND FIGHT- turn the TV off, stop the movies, alcohol and drugs are deterrents that makes people lazy and gets them locked up. How much of an activist can one be if they are locked up with a criminal record? Get up and make your voice heard my friends!

There's no "boiling point" for me, I'm very calm and collected, but I speak up for what I believe in and I'm not shy about it. So, yes, I am doing as much as I can DAILY to try and get this derailed country back on track. I've been at this for over 15 years. One person a at time.

I don't like to get "preach-y" about my beliefs, but I do want to say one thing- *stay informed, read EVERYTHING that you can*, so when you come up against a politician, you can have a solid, sound argument that puts them in their place!

Why? They will lie and cheat to get out of the uncomfortable place that they are being put in. I deal with this daily and I always call out thier injustices because I am informed. Peace folks.
There's no "boiling point" for me, I'm very calm and collected, but I speak up for what I believe in and I'm not shy about it. So, yes, I am doing as much as I can DAILY to try and get this derailed country back on track. I've been at this for over 15 years. One person a at time.

Don't you think that a bubbling mess of boiling water can stay collected by remaining in its pot? Perhaps you reached your boiling point so long ago that you might have forgotten what it's like not to be boiling? Is a thing calm simply because it isn't violent?
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Don't you think that a bubbling mess of boiling water can stay collected by remaining in its pot? Perhaps you reached your boiling point so long ago that you might have forgotten what it's like not to be boiling? Is a thing calm simply because it isn't violent?

I appreciate the analogy, awkward, but pertinent nonetheless. Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to be the active anarchist protester that is right up in front of the riots, BUT I have a 3 month old daughter, a wife, a house that I bought and a career that must basically stay clean... I do what I can within peaceful, lawful limits. The anarchist doesn't mind going to jail or having a track record.

Are you suggesting mental habituation? Habituation is a way for the brain to ignore intrusive stimuli that have become a permanent part of the environment and would otherwise be very distracting. OR more common is complacency, which plagues the majority of the United States, no? I have neither.

Do tell me though, how many people can you walk up to and have them tell you who their state or U.S. reps are? How many people can you walk up to and have them admit that they called and/ or emailed their senators or representatives to say "Yes" on a bill that is being passed for clean air, stem-cell research or "No" to offshore drilling at least once within the last month?

I'll bet the farm that you will NOT find many individuals that even know who the Surgeon General or Attorney General is and how they operate in the U.S. system. All these people that have this attitude about "It's only one person, so why even try?" are being plain and utterly LAZY!

Those people would rather puff a blunt then sit in front of their HD 1080p 60" flat screen on their PS3/Xbox 360 with 7.2 surround sound for hours on end and waste time as well as brain power. This is what governments thrive on- an uninformed, uniterested, extremely passive, numb complacent society that let's all kinds of wrong laws and bills to passed right under their noses. Distraction is the key element to keeping all the socioeconomic classes in their place. This happens daily at an alarming pace.

So, to sum it up, if the boiling water is contained in a pot, at least it is ACTIVELY boiling rather than remaining still and stagnant.