Tutorial: Saving and Loading Your Projects (AKAI MPC 1000)

mano 1

Staff member
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Running time: 5:30
You need Flash Player 8 to see this video.
Yeah that beat was hot. I can't wait for the other ones you got planned. Intergrating the mpc 1000 with Vst's tutorial would be great. Especially since I'm getting a mpc 1000 in 2 weeks. :)
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Very enlightening, thank you for that, Mano. I agree with everyone else, that beat was hot. Can't wait to see a beat making video...
Very good video!!!! I think I can speak for everybody when I say.....We appreciate your time and effort. Thanx man appreciate it.
yeah that was a great vid....
thats the first time i've seeen the 1000 in action. stupid question cause i imagine so but... we're those piano and rhodes track midied into the mpc or did you have the mpc do those... reason i ask is cause i always find it a pain to use my synths midied to my mpc cause i have to save on each machine then i have trouble making sure the saves on the machine bring back all the envelope setting and whatnot... thanks
Mano Great work excellent i neva thought of using my 1k like dat u did a good job u come out wit a beatmaking video

Looping Sample Easy
How to use diffrent tracks
How to record the song
gballin123 said:
That was cool even though I dont use the MPc1k but I might eventually get one to go with my motif. Good Job :victory:

when did you get that? i havent been around much latley so i must of mssed the announcement

I'm happy for you brotha:cheers:
(mano posting from smarties computer)

please visit the site when you want to watch it. Thanks I am glad you find it useful!

THanks also for all the great feedback from everyone - this is the first of MANY - it will only get better ;)

baggysound said:
the video won't work using firefox 1.0..

i didn't try with other browsers though

install the module to watch videos (Windows Media Player). I do not use Firefox but confirmed that it works on it.