Tuning Samples in Logic?


Music from the Soul.
Whats going on FP fam? I've been trying to figure a way to easily and efficiently tune samples that I've looped and chopped to a certain key in Logic Pro 9 in order to easily play other instrumentation over it. I'm a recent convert from FL on Windows to Logic on Mac, so I'm still getting used to alot of these processes now.

Any and all help is appreciated.
There are a bunch of ways you can adjust a sample's pitch (and tempo and more).
The three ways that i think of first are:

-Use the "time and pitch machine" to change the tuning (the sample has to be in an uncompressed format for the time and pitch machine to work, so if you have an mp3 or other file type, convert it to wav or aiff first.)

-Convert the sample to a exs24 instrument and adjust the tuning either on the exs interface display or in the "edit" area (this can be done with other sample players too, but logic makes it easy to do this with the exs24).

-If you for some reason don't want to process the file with the time and pitch machine, and you dont want to convert it to a virtual instrument, then you can keep it on an audio track in the arrange area and insert a "pitch shifter" effect in the sample's channel strip and adjust the tuning from there. This is definitely not the best method, cuz this causes a good deal of latency, so just process the file if you know what needs to be adjusted.

I'm guessing you're talking about sampling songs, not single instrument samples/loops, so a tuner may or may not help but, you can monitor your changes by putting a tuner in the top slot of your channel strip.

Good luck with the sampling,

Good looks bro! I definitely appreciate this! I'm definitely going to try this out and see if it works for me!