The Game Thread ( we share our female seduction tips)

Playing hard to get (ex: girls don't really like dudes who chase them in reality. If you game a girl well enough to get her attracted to you, she will not play hard to get with you, it's nonsense. When they play hard to get, if you fall for it, you might still get some ass from her but she won't respect you and it won't be as fun. If she ignores you, ignore her back until she gets back to you. If she doesn't get back to you, you move on)

good post

there's three types of women

Money hungry biatches


Ones that want to get married

Or maybe a combination of those

once u figure out what her type is theres no need to treat her other than what her type is because she only wants that. Real talk!
women are creatures of competition

walk up to a pretty chick, and tell her you want to holla at her friend.. bet you'll be ****in em both by the end of the week
peep this too...

a lot of bytches be talkin' 'bout "closed mouths don't get fed"

IN OTHER WORDS..."if you want some pussy, just ask"

but of course you gotta BE IN POSITION to get the pussy...

like, you can't just be a scrub w/ no swag / style whatsoever...

have your shyt together, have a mouthpiece and the rest is child's play...
Good posts, guys.

Never ask a girl you're trying to get with if she has a man. Let her tell you on her own. You put her in a bad spot by asking.
Find the drunkest girl in the club. (Not too too can't stand up drunk, but zoning)

Pray to God she's not ugly.

Introduce yourself.

Make a preposition in the sexiest manner you can muster.

Step back (Just in case she swings on you)

Wait for a responds

If she says yes ... buy her a drink for the road and roll out.

(This works ever blue moon.)


Get tipsy

Find the ugliest or fattest girl in the club that you can stand.

Ask em to dance

Treat em like you would treat their sexier more attractive friend.

Make a preposition in the sexiest manner you can muster.

Step back (So she can see what she's getting)

Wait for a responds

If she says yes ... hand her the keys and roll out.

9 times out 10 this will work. Just lower your expectation and you'll be swimming in that tight vagina (odds are it's tight cause they don't have much sex because their not too attractive.) {This also may lessen your chances of getting a STD or something nasty.} USE A condom.

Pretty girls are too hard to get.... they want to much.

Fine girls with average looks can be difficult too

But if you can even the playing field and just get an UGLY FINE CHICK or A PRETTY FAT CHICK or even a chick with a physical or mental handicap who appears to me win.

Plus they buy you things and do things for you that a hot chick would not, cause you make them look good and they probably would not be getting laid with out you.

Beware of a FATAL ATTRACTION. It's hard to break up with them. They are very aggressive. Take my word for it.

Truth is. Stay out of clubs. Go to the book store. Barnes and Nobles always has hot book worms in there. I mean it's a damn gold mine.

I just wanted to write this .... I'm gonna read the thread now.
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The best tips I have that are quick and effective is to be negative.

The hotter the girl is, the more you should put her down in a nice way like you are teasing. You know how you might tease a corny friend you have? Treat her like a dork. Say things like, I like your hair shorter/longer better. Or if they say something slightly lame make a big deal out of it like they retarded and laugh at them playfully. Act as if you are way cooler than them even though they are better looking. It's like you purposefuly try to make them feel misunderstood so they can try to prove to you they are cool.

Most amateurs treat hot girls like they are a princess and put them on a pedestal. That's fine it's just that you automaticaly put yourself below them and they won't like you like you like them just because you are below them. Its all about being cocky funny.
Seriously, I'm always around women. always. Women love me, and I love them.

I'll bring this back

talking to people (some people call it networking) is not really that different than talking to chicks. very similar methods.

When you talk to chicks or net working:

They must feel safe. (don't be creepy or threatening), If they think you are a threat or a nut. nothing is going to get accomplished.

You don't want to show you whole hand at once, play it cool. you may not want to drop your spades first. you may not want to trump the first few plays. she might know what you got, cool, but still keep your pace.

Be respectful. meaning treat them like a person. don't kiss their ass or be disrespectful.

Look good, you don't need to be a suit. you just need to look good. your appearance is your first word.

Be respectful to their company/friends. if they are in a conversation, you might want to choose a different time to approach. But this depends on the conversation and body language.

Be respectful to everyone in the area. don't be yelling at the door guy because you are not on the list, or the bartender for messing up your drink for the second time. people will judge you on how you act to others. people are more observant than people think. people will zero in on something that is off, like you acting a fool.

Be introduced by a mutual is always the best entrance. it works great with women, when you are introduced to them by their friend. same thing with people in the industry.

Don't bother people you don't know who are upset, unless your game is really tight. when people are pissed they do not respond well to new things, like you. but if you got game, you can flip their anger into trust for you. but this is a slippery slope and can easily blow up in your face. instigating drama for your means, is risky. i don't recommend it

If you are in a club or a venue that is selling liquor. offer the person you are talking to a drink. don be cliche and offer the drink first. wait until you are in mid-conversation and nonchalantly offer that person a drink and order one for yourself. this relaxes the person, even if they don't order. but if you start the conversation with "Can I buy you a drink" it will make you look cheesy.

Be confident and relaxed! always!! people don't trust people who are fidgety and nervous. If you are uneasy, that will spread.

Be honest. Don't bullshyt!! people can pick up your exaggerations easier than you think. Don't act like you are rich if you are not. In general be honest about yourself. but don't reveal more than you have too. have discretion on the info you give out. don't mislead people. when people feel like you are BSing they will start to tune you out.

draw a crowd, being alone is never good. watching from the corner, will keep you there. You want people to gravitate to you. when you draw people to you, you don't always need to go to them. How do you draw a crowd? easy. be charismatic and welcoming. Be interesting and genuine.

Be humble, everyone is equal. you are not special, not at all. your mom lied! you are not the shyt. you just do what come naturally, no big deal. you are just lucky and god (any god you choose, or lack there of if that is what you believe) blessed you with a talent that allows you to enjoy your life and to help other people.

Be Politically Correct. Don't say anything that might insult them. like asking Common why his last album wasn't as good as BE? use common sense. (no pun intended) you don't need to go to the extreme and call white people caucasian, or black people african american. just don't be ignorant.

When they want to be private, leave them alone.

Be you! You are not an actor!

This is good for now, just my networking/pickup tips
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Here's another one... it was told to me by a female...

The more a woman see's you... the more they get used to / feel comfortable around you.

This takes more time but if you go to places like a gym or a club and you keep seeing the same faces... they see you too and are more likely to have a "friendly" convo with you because you two frequent the same place.

Only bad part about this one is... if nobody else is talking to you... they probably won't want to be the first. Sometimes subtle things like a smile will let you know that you've hit their radar though.

This was the method I used to use, lol. Me and my buddies would conviently find a spot somewhere near (not at and not too close to) the ladies bathroom and pick that as our spot for a minute... just to get on the radar... or we'd try to be around the bar under some lights or some ish. We normally didn't have to ask any women to dance or anything. Most of the time, they'd stop and linger somewhere near us for a minute. BUT! we never said jack... over time... the accumulation of women that felt comfortable around "Those crazy dudes that are always here" began an influx where women would be in sort of a line to see why we were having such a good time.

Don't get put in the friend zone though... I know one dude that used to be with us that could not avoid the friend zone for shat!

After things get rolling, it's pretty hard to stop it.... and you'll normally see those same people at concerts, sporting events or whatever. Ish got to be too much for me though, I was so good at lying on my feet about where I'd been it started to scare me. So one day I got in my whip and drove around and cut ties with all of them hizzo's... and got married, lol. Some of 'em were trying to guess who I was going to be with, one agreed to be the mistress, the other tried to stab me. I couldn't do it anymore. Hanging out at the most popular club had caught with me for being a "regular". Sometimes the one night stands would show up there and they weren't even club goers... they just knew we'd be in there, lol.

I used to get clowned on by the fellas though because I'd break out with a female before the parking lot scraps broke out.... that's not what I went to the club for.
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like 50 sed ur goin backwrds if u chasin pussy,chase the paper cos they come wit that ****..ther jus women dont put them on a pussy dont front,that ****s weak