tascam us 144 and cubase question



im not sure if this is in the right spot or not but if not please direct me to where i should post this...
i know im a newb and all that ha
but i have the tascam us-144 and i configured it to cubase the way the tascam site told me to and when i go to record it shows me that im recording but when i press play it doesnt play anything back and when i import a track it wont play that either so im guessing it disabled the output on my sound card or something but when i open itunes it still plays music so idk what to think here and also when i turn on reason i get no sound and i cant open reason if cubase is open it says "check ReWire settings, engine already in use" or something like that

im sure theres an easy explanation for this im jsut not sure of what to do right now but id really appreciate it if i could get some help on this situation please and thank you
id really appreciate an answer to this.. i cant use reason until i figure this out and i use that like everyday...
thanks in advance
oh another thing when the tascam is plugged into my comp nothing comes out of my speakers unless i unplug the tascam.. im sure this has to do with the same problem... im jsut wondering because i have no idea
Sounds like a driver/settings issue. It shouldn't matter what your audio card is. Read the Cubase manual instead of the manufacturers.
oh another thing when the tascam is plugged into my comp nothing comes out of my speakers unless i unplug the tascam.. im sure this has to do with the same problem... im jsut wondering because i have no idea

Do you have external monitor speakers plugged into your tascam?
With the US 144, you have to have a phantom power unit....amazon has nady brand for $20. Its cheap because it lacks phantom, but a easy fix, you can find a phantom power unit at any guitar center or sam ash or whatevers...good uck