subbass trip hop style

  • Thread starter Thread starter ponz45
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Does anybody know how to get those subbasses trip hop style, like for example in "Mezzanine", of "Massive attack"? Is it a combination of electric bass and sine waves...or just a very low sine wave alone works better? And wich frequency is generally more appropriate?

And also wich kind of kick is best to work together? And how you cut and boost their frequency in order for them not to "fight" in the mix and have each one its right space?

Thanks a lot

ponz45 Does anybody know how to get those subbasses trip hop style, like for example in "Mezzanine", of "Massive attack"? Is it a combination of electric bass and sine waves...or just a very low sine wave alone works better? And wich frequency is generally more appropriate?

And also wich kind of kick is best to work together? And how you cut and boost their frequency in order for them not to "fight" in the mix and have each one its right space?

Thanks a lot

okay, okay, okay.
I gotta eat dinner. I shall check my CD later and get back.
Just try the bass sine thing first, see where it takes you. Flip efx...
Ok, Thanks, I` ll wait. I` ve already tried all the above, but with no great results. i can` t get the right deepness and definition of the bass, and the right interaction with the kick.
There's a ton of tricks. A good place to start is to get a nice pure sub-bass sine wave going on. The trick here is to put a highpass on your kick drum so it doesn't muddy up your subbass line. Obviously you want the HP cutoff pretty low, kick up some res on it to make it punchy, but you probably don't want it much lower then about 90 hz or something.
Ok, thanks,that´s a good idea I´ll try. Any suggestion about getting good sub-bass sine?
I have no oscillators but the one that comes with Pro Tools: is it too bad, or could I start with it?

And also: How can i make it becomes playble by my controller? Should i sample the right frequency for each note, and load the samples through my MPC2000, and finally play it? Do you know wich is the right subbass frequency for each note of the Chromatic scale?

And also: do you think there is in that record (great sound, isn´t it?) a normal bass with the sub to help the definition of the line, or is it just the sub?

Thanks again
Did you read the tutorial on the main page about making thumping bass? There's some good info there for you.

As for the protools osc...that sounds like a pain in the ass. You could download a free VST to generate a simple bass sound, you can sample a bass hit (or use a 909 kick in your sampler), or you could buy a cheap sound module. This would be a pretty straightforward sound to synthesize.