Struggling to keep things simple

Matthew Jayden

New member
Hello! Since I started producing music, I pretty much always struggle to keep my melodies simple, which usually reduces my inspiration. I see a lot of top notch tracks out there which have a really simple melody/drop, but for some reason, I can't do the same, I feel like I'm always picking the harder way to make music. Is that necessarily a bad thing, and what should I do to try and keep everything simple? Any helpful tips would be highly appreciated :)
I hear you. I think the solution is to always and rigorously delete stuff. If it doesn't sound right within 30 mins or so - throw it away.

A/B check if it sounds better with or without, if it doesn't make a difference - throw it away.

It can also be better to split stuff over 2 different parts. Let's say you have a piano line and some chords in the chorus. Just split it, have only the chords in the verse and only the piano in the chrous for example.
if youre the kind of person who put the chords basslines and melody into the one riff, try splitting it up as already mentioned. let a bass do the low end, strings/pads for the chorded section, then your lead for the upper section of the melody. itll also help fill in your track frequency wise and no one sound will overpower the track.