Oscillator processing in IL Harmor


New member

This thread is aimed at FL Studio users, so if you're not one of those, reading this will probably be a waste of time for you. Move along now! ;)

Question for those who use FL Studio and are familliar with Image-Line's Harmor: is there any way to process and solo individual oscillators of the presets in there? It has a pretty advanced interface with a lot of processing options, but I don't see any oscillator knobs anywhere, whereas most of the plugins I use (Zebra, Nexus, Sytrus, Sylenth1, etc.) have the oscillators "centered" in their user interface, so you don't have to look for it. Does Harmor have this option as well? I really like the sound of the Robot Lead preset of Harmor, but it has a really sharp high-frequency saw cutting through which kinda ruins it, and which makes it almost impossible to properly process it (it always causes phase issues when you try to mix it with another synth). I was just wondering if it's possible to make this preset a little more 'clean' but still preserve its nice synthy electronic sound. All processing tips and suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
