New Experimental Beat (Return all feedback)



Hi! I'd love some feedback on this beat it's sort of electronic experimental, mixed with guitar and lots of other stuff. I'm still working on it and would like some opinions on how to make it better
Thank you!
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This is ****ing dope, i'm always on the lookout for that experimental stuff. Only thing i'd suggest is to turn the drums up a little, other than it's really perfect.

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I really dig the sound of the synth! On the guitar part I feel it lacks a sense of direction, and the tremolo effect seems a little bit overworked there. I wouldnt bring in that awesome synth right in the beginning, it should be the payoff imo. And yeah, the balances could be double-checked, the comping parts are dwarfed by the main parts most of the time, but I dont think you should hide them.
Nice track, I really like the vibe to it. I feel it can be improved though, possibly by using more live-sounding drums and percussion. The track could also be more "full" by adding one or more instruments.

Good work. I enjoyed.

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Has a very eerie yet spunky vibe. I enjoy from 1:20 and on, it sounds great and only needs a few adds/corrections.